Monday 2 March 2015

DW 02-10: Love & Monsters

A Guide to Classic Who references (and other references) in New Who episodes.

Doctor Who series 2, episode 10 (Story 19).  LINDA investigates the Doctor.

Viewing Order
  • 01-01  "Rose(Suggested viewing - introduction of characters.)
  • Children in Need - "Born Againor Christmas Special 2005 - "The Christmas Invasion" (Suggested viewing - reintroduction of character.)


[1ST] -  The first appearance of things in Doctor Who series.
[NEW] - Things that first appeared previously in the new series.
[OLD] - Things that first appeared in the classic series (or the film.)  Episode List.

  • [NEW] Elton Pope - First appearance, but his name appeared in the Tardisode.

  • [1ST]  The Hoix - First appearance, unnamed in the episode, but listed as such in the credits.

  • [NEW]  Two years ago - The events of "Rose."

  • [NEW]  Victor Kennedy - First appearance, apart from a partial appearance in the Tardisode.

  • [NEW]  LINDA - First appearance, but its name appeared in the Tardisode.

  • [NEW]  The Torchwood Files - Obviously the files of the oft mentioned secret organisation.

  • [1ST]  Bad Wolf Virus - Obviously refers to Bad Wolf, the series 1 arc words.  Whether the naming was part of Rose's influence as the Bad Wolf or the virus was created by Rose as Bad Wolf is unknown.  It should be noted that the Doctor gave Mickey a disc with a virus on it to remove all references of the Doctor from the internet.

  • [1ST]  Saxon - Look there's a crossword and stuff on this newspaper.

  • [1ST]  The Absorbaloff - First appearance of this creature, designed by William Grantham as part of a Blue Peter competition.

  • [NEW]  Raxacoricofallapatorius - Home planet of the Slitheen family.

  • [1ST]  Clom - First mention of this planet.

  • [1ST]  Living Shadow from the Howling Halls - first mention, although this appears to refer to a missing adventure (a story not previously told or shown onscreen) that has already occurred in the Doctor's timeline.

The 10 Rules to Doctor Who.

(Read the rules here.)

10.  The TARDIS is for arriving at the location of the story at the beginning of the episode and leaving at the end.  This is because Time Travel is the excuse for the story, not that the story is about.  Unless the episode is written by Steve Moffat, then it's definitely about Time Travel.
Barely appears, when it does it's mostly an artifact.  Is used once on a trip to tell someone off.  [1]

9.  No one can cross their own Time Stream, except when they do.
No one tries. [1]

8.  There's no situation that can't be briefly defused by a non sequitur.
With so little Doctor, Elton does this.  Although the Doctor does play "name the monster."  [1]

7.  The Doctor is both the most serious and most frivolous person in the room - any room - at the same time.  And he does that without becoming insane.  Mostly.

Not much Doctor.  [.5]

6.  The last episode of every series must contain the Master or at least one Dalek.  Every time.  However briefly.
Not a series final.  [NA]

5.  The main companion will be a young contemporary British female.  Although, to be
fair, almost everyone in the Universe is British and most things happen in contemporary London.
Rose is a young female contemporary companion.  (Contemporary London setting.)  [1] 

4.  The more emotionless a species, cyborg or robot the more likely they are to be destroyed by emotions.  This is true of the Daleks.  It is particularly true of the Cybermen.
The Absorbaloff doesn't seem to be emotionless and it isn't his downfall.  [0]

3.  Even if the episode title contains the words "Dalek(s)" or "Cyberman/men" the presence of the Daleks and or Cybermen will at the beginning be treated as a mystery and their revelation a surprise.
The episode title is really a spoiler.  [NA]

2.  The nature of the threat will be revealed to the audience before the Doctor.  The truth behind the threat will be unknowable by the audience until it is explained by the Doctor.
The entire threat is known before the Doctor really appears much.  The Doctor guess and brings out details. [1]

1.  The most dangerous creature in any situation is the last of its kind.  This sometimes also applies to aliens other than The Doctor.
Rose seemed a little more dangerous.  She is one of a kind.  [.5]

Score:  6/8.

~ DUG.

Elton address fan complaints that he ruins the episode.

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